Is Hemp Oil the Same as Cannabis Oil?

by Grassdoor Sponsored
cannabis oil

Oil derived from cannabis may have a similar taste to hemp oil, but the two vary in both use and effects. The ways hemp oil and cannabis oil are used as food additives, cosmetic ingredients, or dietary supplements are quite different. This blog post will discuss the difference between hemp oil and cannabis oil, their respective uses, and the main differences in production and effects.

Hemp oil is derived from hemp. Hemp is cannabis Sativa grown as a crop to produce fiber, seeds, and oil for various manufacturing and dietary purposes. Under U.S. law, hemp is a cannabis plant with no more than 0.3% THC concentration. Though hemp is used in countless products – such as clothing, food, paper, and building materials – there is a strong discrepancy between its usage and natural and agricultural product identity.

Cannabis oil is a more common name for oil made from the THC and/or CBD-containing parts of the cannabis plant. Cannabis oil is generally processed into concentrates with high THC or CBD levels.

In other words, cannabis oil refers to concentrates used for either medical or recreational consumption and generally contain THC compounds, CBD compounds, or a ratio of both. The distinctive smell of cannabis oil is due to the plant’s high concentration of THC and other compounds.

Hemp oil is extracted from the seeds of the hemp plant. It contains very low levels of THC (a compound that gets you high) and is generally considered a non-psychoactive derivative of cannabis oil. However, hemp oil can still have a strong smell because it does not undergo the same purging process as other oil forms. Hemp oil may also have high concentrations of non-intoxicating CBD, depending on its growth characteristics and intended use.

The Difference Between Hemp Oil & Cannabis Oil

Below are some technical differences between hemp oil and cannabis oil.

Fatty Acids

The fats found in hemp seed oils contain fatty acids like Omega 3, 6, and 9, which play an important role in the human body. Unlike cannabis, hemp effectively doesn’t contain THC, the psychoactive component in marijuana. Thus, hemp provides an excellent source of nutrition instead of intoxicating benefits.

Phytocannabinoid Content

Another major difference is the amount of phytocannabinoid content of cannabinoids present in both oils. Phytocannabinoids are the compounds from the cannabis plant that interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system, as opposed to endocannabinoids, the cannabinoids produced by the body. While hemp oil contains no significant concentrations of cannabinoids, cannabis oils consist of either CBDA or CBLA along with smaller amounts of phytocannabinoids like CBG, THCV, CBN etc. CBD concentrates are just another concentrate of pure cannabidiol and are usually taken orally, while others are applied topically or even used sublingually. Many people use CBD concentrates when trying to isolate CBD’s beneficial properties and introduce them in the least amount needed. But, THC can cause nervousness and anxiety and may raise your heart rate if you take too much. On the other hand, hemp oil contains less than 0.3 percent THC.

Protein Content

Another great thing about hemp seeds oil is that they contain protein, iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin E. Compared to other nuts and seeds, hemp seeds have the highest amount of Vitamin E, magnesium, phosphorous, and omega 3 fatty acids. This makes them the perfect addition to your diet. Cannabis oil is usually rich in proteins and only contains trace amounts of most vitamins and minerals.

Cannabidiol (CBD)

Marijuana or cannabis is often called one of the most beneficial plants on Earth. With so many people using marijuana every day, however, some might ask if there’s anything else that offers better health benefits than what was once thought to be a harmless substance. One example would be CBD oil. People use CBD oil to achieve various medical goals, including treating chronic pain and anxiety, and even helping reduce stress! Hemp oil is obtained by pressing extra-virgin olive oil, whereas cannabis oil is derived from the leaves and flowering tops of female cannabis plants.

Antimicrobial Properties

One of the biggest advantages of hemp oil, when compared to cannabis oil, is its antibacterial effect. As mentioned above, hemp oil contains an impressive amount of omegas – three types of polyunsaturated fat. Among them are alpha linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Combining these fats together creates powerful antimicrobial substances. When the body receives these nutrients through food, this can contribute to healthier skin, fewer colds, and respiratory tract infections.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Hemp oil works to relieve inflammation throughout the entire body. There are more than 300 chemical components in the hemp flower, including terpenes, flavonoids, and cannabinoids. Chemicals such as cannabigerol, cannabichromene, and tetrahydrocannabinol have provided soothing relief. Cannabis oil, on the other hand, may also help to reduce inflammation while providing relaxing effects when taken internally.

Antioxidant Properties

Antioxidants can help prevent free radicals from damaging tissues within our bodies. Some studies suggest that antioxidants may help lower cholesterol levels and prevent heart disease. Studies show that CBD oil can protect cells against damage caused by toxins, pollution, radiation, and pathogens, while hemp oil helps protect against microbes when applied topically.

Relieves Pain/Soothes Inflammation

The ability of hemp oil to help with pain and inflammation has been known for years. This is due to the high polyunsaturated fats in hemp seed oil. The two major categories of polyunsaturated fats include Omega-9s and Omega-3. Both play important roles in human health and maintaining proper brain function. A study conducted at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine showed that CBD reduced neuroinflammation, resulting in less back pain. While further research is needed to confirm these findings, it hemp oil shows significant promise in helping with pain reduction.

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