How does Cannabis Affect the Brain?

by David Gonzalez
How does cannabis affect the brain? Click this image to watch and listen to David explain what is going on inside your body.
How does Cannabis Affect the Brain? Join Host David as he talks us through some of the basics, watch video here.

The psychoactive properties of cannabis can affect people’s bodies in different ways, but how does it affect memory, thinking and learning? In this video we look at how cannabis consumption affects the brain, to better understand and also debunk some common misconceptions about what’s actually going on inside your body when consuming cannabis.

Conflicting information and taboo

As long as I can remember. Cannabis has always been a taboo. I still can remember how nervous I was the first time I tried it because of the myths that surrounded this magical plant and what it would possibly do to my body if I actually tried it. There’s a lot of conflicting information out there about the effects of cannabis on the body

The psychoactive properties affect people differently

But what about the effects on the brain? The psychoactive properties of cannabis can affect people’s bodies in different ways, but how does it affect memory, thinking and learning? Can it cause psychosis and depression? Let’s take a look of some of these questions and consider the risk associated with it. The effects on the brain are complex and depend on many factors, including how much you smoke and how often. Whether or not you use other substances. If you have mental illnesses like schizophrenia or depression and genetics.

Recent studies suggest powerful properties

A study conducted at the Society for Neuroscience in 2018 showed that exposure to a compound present in cannabis can improve memory in Alzheimer’s disease and even reduce some of its symptoms by reducing the loss of brain cells caused by the disease. Another study conducted on mice showed that cannabis can prevent epileptic seizures by binding to the brain cells responsible for controlling excitability and regulating relaxation.

CBD has shown to help

Cannabis, including all of its other properties like CBD and it’s oil, more often than not have shown to help the brain out in one form or another. It has also shown to enhance activity in brain circuits that regulate the formation of bad habits, meaning that if you’ve been biting your nails, picking out your skin, licking your lips or some other negative physical habitual behavior, that induced feeling of calm and relaxation can break synaptic connections in the brain, so over time, you’re less likely to repeat these bad behaviors. That’s actually pretty cool. I didn’t know that at all.

Do your research

If you’ve been thinking about trying cannabis for fun and relaxation purposes, learn more about its effects. So you know whether it’s right for you before taking the first puff. No matter why you’re afraid to get high, we want you to know that your fears are 100% valid.

New experiences can be scary, but don’t worry

New experiences can be scary, and if you’re gone your entire life, avoiding pot only to try it for the first time as an adult, There’s a fair amount of common sense that tells you something bad might happen, but you’re just tripping out. The psychedelic effects of cannabis are not permanent, so you’ll be all right. And like always with all that being said, I hope you enjoyed today’s segment I’m your boy David hitting you up from the Grassdoor headquarters saying, I’ll catch you guys later. Grassdoor… out!

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